Monday, 10 October 2022

Recognize These Three Things That Could Trigger a Migraine

There's a good chance that you or a loved one experiences migraines. It ranks as the third most prevalent disease worldwide.

Although you know how your migraines begin, you are unsure of their cause. Although doctors for treating migraine, in North Vancouver is unsure of the exact cause of migraine headaches; they believe that chemical imbalances in the brain may be a factor.


This blog gives you three triggers that could set off your migraine so that you can take better precautions. 


1 - Specific foods.


Processed foods with added salt and aged cheeses, such as blue cheese, are known triggers of migraine In North Vancouver. Other food items triggering migraines are baked goods with yeast, nuts and nut butters, soy products, chocolate, olives, etc. 


They may also be brought on by the artificial sweetener aspartame and the flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG).


2 - Hormonal changes.


Women may experience migraines as a result of changes in the hormone oestrogen. Hormone replacement therapy or birth control tablets might cause headaches or exacerbate existing ones. 


Consult your neurologist treating migraines, North Vancouver, about your drugs as a potential migraine trigger.


4 – Factors relating to the external environment


Environmental triggers for migraines include changes in the weather, such as variations in humidity, temperature, barometric pressure, extreme cold, extreme humidity, an extremely dry, dusty atmosphere, fumes and vapours, etc.


In closing


Even though you might not be able to avoid migraine triggers completely, straightforward measures, such as consistent, high-quality sleep, a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and stress management, may help you ward off attacks before they begin. Edgemont Naturopathic Clinic can assist you with treating migraine in North Vancouver using naturopathic methods. 

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