Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Should You Be Worried About Hair Loss?

Hair fall is usually not a thing to be worried about. It’s a normal process our body goes through. When hair falls out, our body regrows hair, and this cycle happens every day, without us noticing it.

However, there might be times when you are noticing an unusual amount of hair fall. You might be removing clumps of hair when you shower or might notice that your pillow has a lot of hair strands when you wake up. These are the times when your body is telling you something. 

Changes to the body can trigger massive hair fall such as stress, pregnancy, stopping a medication and even changing your hair care routine. Just give your body time to adjust and it will go back to normal on its own.

However, if your hair is thinning dramatically and you are starting to see bald spots, that is the time you should seek treatment for hair loss in North Vancouver.

How is hair loss in North Vancouver treated?

This depends on the cause of the problem. Supplementation to aid the body in regrowing hair can be done. In the case of alopecia, a special concoction of amino acids will be injected into the scalp to encourage the growth of hair.

Natural treatments can also be sought. You can go to clinics like Edgemont Naturopathic Clinic if you are searching for a natural way to treat hair loss. They can recommend doing natural remedies that will help the body reset its functions. You can keep on doing these treatments even when you are at home for continuous recovery.

To know more about Acupuncture in North Vancouver please visit our website: